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Tutti i filmati di Public Domain

Totale: 1091

Abe Lincoln of the ninth avenue

A drama about an idealistic law student from Hell's Kitchen who unites his neighborhood pals against a gang. Originally released as "Streets of New York".

Abilene Town

1946 - Genre: Western
Directed by: Edwin L. Marin
Writing credits: Ernest Haycox, Harold Shumate
In the years following the Civil War, the town of Abilene, Kansas is poised on the brink of an explosive confrontation. A line has been drawn down the center of the town where the homesteaders and the cattlemen have come to a very uneasy truce. The delicate peace is inadvertantly shattered when a group of new homesteaders lay down their stakes on the cattlemen's side of town, upsetting the delicate balance that had existed thus far and ... continua

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, also released under the title D. W. Griffith's 'Abraham Lincoln', is a (1930) biographical film about American president Abraham Lincoln directed by D. W. Griffith. It stars Walter Huston as Lincoln and Una Merkel, in her second speaking role, as Ann Rutledge. Her first speaking role was in a short film, Love's Old Sweet Song (1923 film) (1923) filmed in the Phonofilm sound-on-film process.
The script was co-written by Stephen Vincent Benét, author of the Civil War prose poem John Brown's Body (poem). This was the first of only two sound films made ... continua

Acciaio Blu

Titolo Originale: Blue Steel
Anno di uscita: 1934
Genere: Western
Dalla cassaforte di una locanda sono stati rubati i soldi destinati agli stipendi dei minatori e lo sceriffo Jakesospetta di Carruthers, un giovane cowboy, trovato sul posto pochi momenti dopo il furto. Carruthers è invece uno sceriffo federaleinviato dal Governo per reprimere gli atti di banditismo che si verificano nella zona. Egli è riuscito a scoprire che il colpevole delfurto fa parte di una grossa banda, segretamente guidata da Malgrove, uno dei cittadini più importanti. Malgrove è ... continua

Acero Azul

1934 - Género: Western, en blanco y negro
Director: Robert N. Bradbury

Unos forajidos descubren que en el subsuelo de un pequeño pueblo se encuentra una mina de oro. Desde ese momento empiezan a menazar a sus habitantes para obligarles a dejar sus casas y abandonar el pueblo. Un joven se opone a estos planes y se enfrentará a la banda. Pero además ha de demostrar su inocencia porque un sherif sospecha, por una serie de pruebas casuales, que está relacionado con una banda de malhechores

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Aces and eights

Aces and eights is a 1936 American film, a Puritan production directed by Sam Newfield.

Addio alle armi

Durante la prima guerra mondiale, sul fronte italiano nasce la storia d'amore tra Henry, un tenente americano che partecipa alla guerra come volontario, e Catherine, l'infermiera che lo cura nell'ospedale militare dove lui è stato ricoverato in seguito a una ferita. La guerra imperversa e quando lei parte, lui, per raggiungerla, diserta e va in Svizzera. Catherine è gravemente ammalata e ha perso il bambino che aspettava da lui. Henry arriverà in tempo solo per vederla e stringerla un'ultima volta tra le braccia.Visita il sito: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Aelita: Queen of Mars

Aelita, also known as Aelita: Queen of Mars, is a silent film directed by Soviet Union filmmaker Yakov Protazanov made at the Gorky Film Studio and released in 1924 in film. It was based on Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy's Aelita (novel). Mikhail Zharov and Igor Ilyinsky were cast in leading roles.
Though the main focus of the story is the daily lives of a small group of people during the post-war Soviet Union, the enduring importance of the film comes from its early science fiction elements. It primarily tells of a young man, Los (, literally Elk), traveling to Mars ... continua

Aerial gunner

Aerial gunner is a 1943 American World War II film directed by William H. Pine and starring Chester Morris, Richard Arlen and Jimmy Lydon.

Affairs of Cappy Ricks

Cappy Ricks (Walter Brennan) has returned home from a long voyage at sea only to find that his family and business are not as he left them. His daughter Frankie (Mary Brian) is engaged to a dimwit that he isn't fond of. His future mother-in-law has plans for his business and for his prized ship. Cappy Ricks knows he has to end the chaos and set things straight. Now all he needs is a plan.